Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Job opp: Director of news research at NYT

Director of News Research
The New York Times

The New York Times is seeking exceptional candidates for Director of News Research. Inquiries will be accepted until Oct. 31.

The director has an MLS or equivalent in experience, is an excellent researcher and has a successful record of managing a group of more than six researchers whose portfolios include national and international news, business and culture. This is a job for a manager who welcomes change. The director will help lead efforts to create a multimedia newsroom that upholds The Times' standards.. Above all, the director must be an effective communicator.

The job itself is demanding in hours and diverse responsibilities. The work includes both onsite time and on-call time. Our ideal candidate can:

Understand news and news-gathering needs
Communicate and collaborate with newsroom editors
Negotiate contracts and manage budgets
Direct comprehensive research projects, including database work
Oversee collections of physical and electronic resources, including archives
Teach and guide reporters and editors
Inspire a staff of 10 researchers
Work equally on daily questions, produce encyclopedic materials for the Web, build internal electronic resources and direct a staff.

The director reports to Terry Schwadron, Editor, Information & Technology, The New York Times, 620 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10018. E-mails to tschwadron@nytimes.com, with Research Director in the subject line. No phone calls, please.

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