Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Job opps: assistant editor, reporter, copy chief for biz at Boston Globe

Here's a contribution from Vindu Goel, editorial writer at the San Jose Mercury News. This post, like several others, shows how narrow my original thinking was in naming this blog "Chronicle colleagues who care." Although competition is a vital and necessary component of our profession, this blog is really about supporting our fellow journalists from all newsrooms during a time of great upheaval. (Thanks, Vindu.)

Hi, Marcus. Even though I work at the Mercury News, I think we all need to support each other in these tough times for Bay Area media.

Shirley Leung, AME/Business at the Boston Globe, asked me to spread the word about the following openings at the Globe:

1) Assistant business editor (in charge of Sunday business)
2) Reporter, either financial services (mutual funds, private equity, hedge fundss) or advertising/marketing/media
3) Business copy desk chief (an assistant business editor overseeing 6 copy editors and functioning as the night editor)

Interested applicants should contact:
Shirley Leung
Assistant Managing Editor/Business
Boston Globe

Best of luck to everyone at the Chron,

Vindu Goel
Editorial Writer
San Jose Mercury News

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