Thursday, June 14, 2007

Job opp: The DNA Files

Another one from Chron small biz columnist Ilana DeBare and copy editor Mary Flaherty:

The DNA Files is seeking a part-time contractor who is fluent in science
journalism, to help implement Web content. In coordination with the Web project manager, this person will review selected science material that has been generated for the radio series, and help prepare it for Web publication: from fact-checking to formatting.

The ideal candidate:
- Has a solid grounding in science
- Judgment/journalistic expertise we can trust
- Experience with Web content (preferred, but not essential)

Naturally, we want all the usual: reliable, smart, cool, punctual, &

This is a freelance position that would start mid-July and run through early September, and possibly longer.

For more information, please contact:
Ginna Allison, Website Managing Editor, DNA Files

The DNA Files is an award winning public radio documentary series focused on cutting edge genetic research, produced by SoundVision Productions based in Berkeley, California. Now in its third series, The DNA Files has been recognized for presenting complex scientific research in an accessible and unintimidating way with numerous awards including the George Foster Peabody Award; Alfred duPont-Columbia University Award; American Association for the Advancement of Science Journalism Award; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award and others. The series is funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The one-hour shows will be hosted by John Hockenberry and distributed in the
fall of 2007.

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