Monday, June 4, 2007

Job opp: Media specialist at Horn Group

Company: Horn Group
Job Title: Media Specialist
Are you…

Obsessed with following news and business trends?
Pumped to get on the phone to pitch your clients?
Totally immersed in consumer technology, digital media and lifestyle companies?

We’re looking for a media relations guru to pitch our clients’ news and proactively find opportunities to get them in front of the media. If you have at least 3 years experience in media pitching in the consumer tech world, a thirst for knowledge and want to grow your career in an environment focused on learning, then we’re a match.

Horn Group is a strategic communications firm specializing in PR and digital marketing. We work with technology companies at every stage of growth to tell their stories to the people that matter -- in print, in person and on the web. We focus on great client service and creating a great employee experience. We’re passionate about doing good work and rewarding people that do so. Check out our work and our perks for yourself.

Do you have what it takes to be a media guru for our clients? Then show us your stuff, apply at

Thanks to Dan Fost for passing this along.

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